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What do you need to increase visibility online?

Content is King?

January 12, 20233 min read

Content is…King?

We've all heard it before, "Content is KING!" And indeed, content is important. But if you’re looking for ways to increase your visibility online, you might be tempted to think that content alone is the key. After all, if the content on your website is good enough, with the right keywords, language, et al then it should rank well in Google, right? Wrong! There’s more to ranking on Google than just content. Let’s take a closer look at why content alone isn’t enough.

It Starts with Quality Content Google looks for websites that are informative and helpful. People take to google to ask questions they need answers to. That means if you want your website to rank high in the search results, you need quality content that answers people’s questions and provides useful information. Quality content also needs to be well-written, engaging, and easy to read. All of these elements will help boost your ranking on Google—but they’re not enough by themselves.

It Continues With SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is the process of optimizing your website so it can be easily found by search engine algorithms. This includes things like researching keywords and using them strategically throughout your site, link building (creating links from other credible websites back to yours), and optimizing page titles and meta descriptions so they are more visible in search results. (I know some of you are hearing the Charlie Brown teacher right now). These elements are essential for getting better rankings on Google because they help search engines understand what your website is about and how relevant it is to certain searches. Without SEO, even the best content won’t get seen by many people because it won’t show up high enough in the search results. Okay, so you have quality content that is answering good questions for your industry, and maybe even you have some SEO done. WOOT! Oh...but wait....there's more!

Social Media Matters. Social Media presence is vitally important. Not just having a Google My Business profile or a Facebook business page that you set up and haven't touched in a week (or maybe, ever?); but having an active presence on social media. Weekly posting, engagement, blogs, pictures, and reviews. Why? Because Google uses that to help build credibility for your website or business as a whole. When people share or interact with your content on social media sites like Twitter or Facebook, those interactions act as signals for search engine algorithms that indicate how popular or relevant a particular piece of content is—and therefore how likely it is that someone searching for information related to that topic would find it useful. So if you want Google to recognize the value of your website’s content, make sure you have an active presence on social media too!

That's a brief rundown for you. Yes, content plays an important role when it comes to ranking in Google but by itself, it isn't enough—there's more involved than just writing great blog posts or web pages! To get better rankings in Google's search results, you need SEO (search engine optimization) tactics like keyword research and link building, as well as an active presence on social media sites like Google my Business (now Google Business Profile) and Facebook where people can share or interact with your content. All of this combines to send positive signals about its relevancy and popularity back to search engine algorithms. Put all these pieces together correctly and watch as your visibility increases online!

Don't have time to create content, SEO, blogging, and post on multiple sites weekly? No sweat - that is one of Go Rankster's specialties. Reach out to have a conversation on how we can help make sure you are hitting it out of the park in the Social Media stratosphere! 

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